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Model-based development

Developing virtual products through model-based engineering and numerical simulations

In this step, the full-on engineering work is initiated. Specifically, the in-detail product development is carried out based on the given product concept. Using an individualized model-based approach, the product is developed in the virtual domain without having to build and test hardware. Fully working in the virtual domain enables precise and reliable cost-structure of the projects as well as allows to generate technically sound results in a fast-paced manner.

The virtual development approach is comprised of three elements: (1) Detailed CAD design of all parts and components that form the product. (2) Framework of analyses tools based on mathematical models of the product’s technical performance and underlying physical processes. (3) Simulation-driven optimization runs and corresponding design adaptions.

At the heart of our model-based development work is a suitable modeling framework, which depends on both the product and the final application. Specifically, steady and dynamical operation conditions of the product at relevant levels of fidelity need to be modeled, which are then reconstructed by means of numerical simulations. Based on this modeling and simulation framework, the design can be iteratively adjusted (or even computationally optimized by means genetic or machine learning algorithms) until a certain performance benchmark is reached. Moreover, control strategies and first algorithms can be developed and tested straightforwardly.

The outcome is nothing less than a performance-optimized, in-detail design of the product idea, accompanied by a framework of models and analyses results. In addition, a roadmap for building different prototypes for finalizing the product to a “ready for deployment” state is developed.

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Development of a model-based engingeering framework

Model based engineering allows to enhance engineering capabilities in terms of highly qualitative and fast-paced product development cycles. Such frameworks rely on the selection of the right methods from fields of mathematical modeling, numerical simulation, computational optimization and even data-driven “AI” approaches. For these approaches to unfold their full potential, we establish the right process and methods framework individually tailored to the needs and goals of the client.

Model-based and data-driven engineering services

Employing model-based engineering potentially coupled with data-driven “AI” methods enables high-quality and fast-paced development of new products, optimization of existing components and incorporation of new technologies into existing products. For this we offer explicit and custom-tailored services ranging from collaboratively specifying the projects scope to carrying out the in depth engineering work.

Digital retrofitting of existing products

Physical models that can reproduce the performance of a product are becoming increasingly relevant as enablers for digital business models and use in model-based engineering approaches. For this, we evaluate – together with the customer – the product digitization strategies and create a suitable modeling framework. We then apply data collection techniques, derive the underlying physical models, and benchmark for performance validation to create the digital twin of an existing product.

Explore our case studies or contact us directly to learn more.

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